Unique taste and distinct aroma of freshly roasted Arabica coffee from Costa Rica.
Altitude: 1200 to 1800 meters above sea level.
Precipitation: 2400 mm per year.
Variety: Caturra, Catuai.
Processing: Washed.
Acidity: High and intense.
Body: Rich and full.
Aroma: Apricot and nectarine.
Taste: Fine chocolate with a particularly complex. Very clean, sweet finish.
100% Arabica beans. Blend from speciality coffees, known as Gourmet coffee.
Packing: 1kg
A blend of 100% arabica beans that has had the caffeine removed with the most modern techniques. For those who want to avoid the caffeine but without depriving the pleasant taste of coffee.
Arabica and Robusta beans.
Packing: 1kg
Fresh grinded granules by beans, ideally to twirl in your glass perfumes and intense flavor at the first sip.
By carefully selecting our blend of high-quality grain and an emphasis on correct roasting, we have the result of a full-body, rich flavor, Greek coffee.
Unique taste and distinct aroma of Guatemala Arabica coffee.